That almost EVERY girl in the Los Angeles district looks the same! Its really annoying like damn, can you be yourself ? ugh. Well. thats just some people style, but for others that just follow after others, get a damn life. I love people who dress different, who dress however they feel, just like me. I dont care what anyone has to say about what I have on. I like it so f#%@* what ya talking bout, catch my drift?
Another reason every girl looks the same is because there just following the trends, be a rebel! Almost every girl shops at H&M, Forever 21, and Urban Outfitters. Dont, get me wrong, I love those stores too, but you could still shop there and look different its like they go there just to buy the usual; short ripped shorts,rompers,skirts,bandeus and v-necks. And wassup with every girl liking floral stuff? Like if it has flowers on it its automatically cute? Half the girls don't even like what they wear, they just wear it because they friends do and it's the "style".